The domain, subdomains, content, etc., are neither affiliated with the NMLRA nor its paper magazine Muzzle Blasts |
Muzzle Blasts Online |
A message from the publisher
In the spring of 2000, the NMLRA withdrew support for Muzzle Blasts Online and the electronic publication ceased adding content.
One of the founder's and current owner has chosen, at his personal expense, to maintain the content for the benefit of the blackpowder community.
Please enjoy.
Foreword by Jon C. Uithol
If this is your first visit, welcome to the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s (NMLRA) online version of its monthly magazine Muzzle Blasts. If you’ve been here before, welcome back.
Some of Muzzle Blasts Online’s features are previously unpublished works, while others articles have already appeared in another of the NMLRA’s publications. The parent magazine, Muzzle Blasts, is an eighty page monthly, received as a benefit of a $30 annual membership in the NMLRA.
Muzzle Blasts Online comes out about every two months, but with no specific schedule. As we get “staffed up” and gain more experience, we will evolve into a regular monthly presentation.
This issue of Muzzle Blasts Online offers a typical mix of topics. We have a very interesting article on one of the lesser know theaters of the American Civil War--Illinois. And our buckskinning readers will be surprised by the activity described in our article about this sport in Belgium.
Two of our regular reviewers, Susan Jennys and Chuck Hamsa, have book reviews in this issue, and joining them for the first time is Muzzle Blasts’ columnist Rick Hacker with “Hacker Hunting Lodge.”
Whatever your muzzleloading interests are, there’s a good chance you’ll see them covered here in Muzzle Blasts Online. If you don’t, send me a Letter To The Editor and we’ll see what we can do. Remember, if it loads through the muzzle and uses black powder or a black powder substitute, the NMLRA supports it.