Muzzle Blasts Online |
...for the muzzleloading enthusiast |
The domain, subdomains, content, etc., are neither affiliated with the NMLRA nor its paper magazine Muzzle Blasts |
Muzzle Blasts Online |
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A message from the publisher
In the spring of 2000, the NMLRA withdrew support for Muzzle Blasts Online and the electronic publication ceased adding content.
One of the founder's and current owner has chosen, at his personal expense, to maintain the content for the benefit of the blackpowder community.
Please enjoy.
Foreword by Jon C. Uithol
I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to the new editor of Muzzle Blasts Eric A. Bye of Chester, Vermont. Eric will be joining the Muzzle Blasts staff March 1st.
Eric is a long time member of the NMLRA, a Field Rep (Field Rep of the Year in 1991 and 1996), a rendezvous coordinator, twice past booshway of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association's Northeastern Primitive Rendezvous, and a line shooter. For the past twelve years he has conducted the Vermont State Championship as well as an annual primitive shoot.
Eric is also a writer and has been published in Muzzle Blasts, The American Rifleman, and Muzzleloader. He authored the book, The Hair of the Bear: Campfire Yarns and Short Stories, and wrote the chapter in The Book of Buckskinning V on ``Old-Time Music for Rendezvous.'' Eric is a translator accredited by the American Translators Association and is fluent in French, Spanish, and German. He is also ``at home'' in Italian, Norwegian, and Portuguese. As a proofreader, he has worked in French and Spanish, as well as English. When we get ready to go ahead with our first foreign language issue, we'll be in good shape with Eric on board.
Eric attended Bates College in Lewiston, Maine where he studied French and Spanish. He earned his B.A. in 1970 and was graduated Magna cum Laude. He is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and Phi Sigma Iota National Foreign Language Honor Society. He did graduate studies in French, Spanish, and German at the University of Vermont and was awarded his M.A. in 1977.
Eric shoots percussion and flintlock rifle and pistol, flintlock smoothbore, and some shotgun. He is the proud new national record holder with flint pistol on NMLRA's Curley Gostomsky National Primitive Range, and is an experienced deer and turkey hunter. Welcome aboard, Eric.
(As a sign of the times, Eric will be doing most of his editing work from his home in Vermont.)