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...for the muzzleloading enthusiast |
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Primitive Range Giveaway
Pictured on the cover of this issue of Muzzle Blasts is the prize for the 1997 primitive giveaway. The NMLRA Primitive Committee offered a wonderful rifle in last year's giveaway, and this year's rifle continues that tradition. The proceeds from the giveaway will help to build a new block house and a ``fort wall'' around the camping area at the national primitive range.
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Primitive Giveaway Prizes. |
Skip Hamaker, 1309 N 10th Street, Reading, Pennsylvania 19604, built an early scrimshawed powder horn with a map of the New York area on it. It's a very fine horn. While I was going through my old Muzzle Blasts, I found one of his horns in a 1978 issue. He's been around a while and you can tell that by the great powder horns he builds.
J.R. Salvo, 188 Main Street, Ridgeville, South Carolina 29472, has donated a great American Rifleman's knife for our raffle. Salvo holds all his creations like they would have been made in the past. Salvo is a master craftsman whether it's a bow, muzzleloader, tomahawk, or anything else he builds.
Glen McClain, 7346 N. Bear Creek Road, Morgantown, Indiana 46160, has built a fine dirk! Glen doesn't need an introduction as he has been building some of the best edged weapons for a long time. Glen does the leather work himself, and it's as impressive as the cold steel itself.
Richard Duvelius, 50 Maple Street, Harveysburg, Ohio 45032, and John Giblin, 4785 Sweet Briar Terrace, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111 are two of the best leather workers I've seen in a while. Richard has donated a fine shooting pouch and John has donated a fine haversack. I met John and Richard at last year's National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association's Eastern Primitive Rendezvous. Their leather work is hard to beat for quality and price.
Ray Smith, Box 370, Breesport, New York 14816, is an A.B.S. Journeyman bladesmith and blacksmith. Roy has donated a very nice patch knife for our raffle, and it's a beauty.
Orville H. Mumma, RD 2 Box 4448, Jonestown, Pennsylvania 17038, is the maker of the super scrimshawed flat priming horn--another top of the line product with a price that anyone can afford. Orville started making horns in 1977, and has taken first, second, and third place in the Judge's Choice in his home state at the Dixon Gun Fair.
These are the prizes that you can win by purchasing one or more of our raffle tickets. It's a one package deal. The person whose name is drawn gets it all!
I would like to thank all of the people mentioned above for donating these fine prizes. Some of the contributors live a long way from Friendship and have never been there, but are helping us to get a block house and stockade fence built for the primitive area. The buckskinners at Friendship take their hats off to all of you who have donated items for our raffle. Thanks is all we offer in return, but it's a BIG thanks!
In the April issue of Muzzle Blasts you will find 12 tickets for the giveaway. Photocopies of these tickets will be accepted. Tickets for this giveaway are free of charge, but we ask for a donation of $2 per ticket or $5 for three tickets. The drawing for this winner take all package will be in September 1997 at the NMLRA National Fall Shoot in Friendship, Indiana. You do not have to be present to win. Send all donations and tickets to the NMLRA, P.O. Box 67, Friendship, Indiana 47021. All checks and money orders should be made out to the NMLRA. This offer is not valid where prohibited by law.