Muzzle Blasts Online

...for the muzzleloading enthusiast

The domain, subdomains, content, etc., are neither affiliated with the NMLRA nor its paper magazine Muzzle Blasts

Muzzle Blasts Online
Muzzle Blasts Online Cover
Oct 1999/Nov 1999 Volume 4, Number 5


A message from the publisher

In the spring of 2000, the NMLRA withdrew support for Muzzle Blasts Online and the electronic publication ceased adding content.

One of the founder's and current owner has chosen, at his personal expense, to maintain the content for the benefit of the blackpowder community.

Please enjoy.

Editor's Welcome

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the October/November issue of Muzzle Blasts Online. With hunting season in full swing , Fred Stutzenberger's A Note on Safety is a timely article. Make sure your firearm is safe BEFORE going into the field.

Also this month, experience the excitement of a first-time hunter and the fellowship between father and son on their last hunt. Others share their knowledge on sharpening a straight razor, making and using a bow drill, and setting up a turkey shoot. All in all, I think everyone should be able to find something to their taste in this issue.

If you enjoy Muzzle Blasts Online and are not currently an NMLRA member, I encourage you to join. These articles are just a sample of the ones we publish each and every month in our paper magazine. NMLRA members receive Muzzle Blasts as part of their membership benefit. If you are interested in becoming a member, an application is available on the NMLRA homepage.

Until next issue

Terri Trowbridge
Director of Publications

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